Pay-Per-Admission Marketing: Is It Right for Your Organization? 

Pay Per Admission Marketing

Are you constantly looking for innovative ways to boost student enrollments through Pay-Per-Admission marketing? Given the educational sector becoming increasingly competitive, it’s crucial to find effective strategies that stand out. Consequently, this performance-based strategy is quickly gaining traction among educational institutions eager to see a direct correlation between marketing spend and student enrollments. At its […]

Why Pay Per-Admission Is Set to Transform Admissions Marketing in India  

Pay Per-Admission Marketing In India

In India’s crowded educational sector, where institutions compete fiercely for a limited pool of students, Pay Per-Admission (PPA) marketing is rapidly emerging as an innovative and effective strategy. Moreover, this competitive scene demands tactics that not only capture attention but also deliver measurable results. One such strategy, PPA, is set to reshape the way colleges […]